Microsoft Cloud Skill

About Microsoft Cloud Skill:

Aimed to train students and IT professional with latest technology and prepare for future and mission 2041. Where 5000 students and IT professional will learn latest Microsoft cloud technologies. Corporate Projukti Limited offering $500,000 free azure credit for successful participant as well as certificates. Building skill from IT expert and people use their knowledge in real life industry.

Objective of Microsoft Cloud Skill:

Through Microsoft Cloud Skill program, Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority (BHTPA) and Corporate Projukti Limited, hope to bring a change in the thinking process of our educational institutions and IT professional. How the market is going and IT industries. Where newcomer can get employed and make Bangladesh proud in IT industry.

Why Us?

We are happy to share that we have number of in-house Microsoft Certified trainer (MCT).

We as a Corporate Projukti Limited, Microsoft Gold Cloud Solution provider & first authorized Microsoft Learning Partner. And proud to share that we achieved constantly 2 years country partner of the year from Microsoft.

As a Learning partner we have renowned trainer, where some of them are actively delivering speech locally and globally.

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